Ace Trumps Collectable Card Games Play and Collect from Carta Mundi
How To Play:
Minimum 2 of players. Shuffle and deal all the cards face down. Each player holds their cards so that they can see the top card only. The player to the dealer's left starts by choosing a category and then calls out the value of that category on the card. The other players check the value for the same catergory on their first card and the highest value wins the hand. The winner of the round then places all the players top cards including their own to the bottom of their pile. It is then their turn again to choose an item from the next card. If 2 or more cards share the top value or no data is available for that particular subject then all the cards are placed in the middle and the same player calls the same category from their next card. The winner of the hand takes the cards in the middle as well. The person with all the cards at the end is the winner.
Want more Card Games? Look here Top Trumps and Playing Cards & Card Games
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